You are in "voradtralundir's room:1"( Welcome to My Room )

hungry_college_girl joined the room

voradtralundir: Hi

hungry_college_girl: Much better

voradtralundir: Can you hear me now?

hungry_college_girl: You mean "see" you now?

hungry_college_girl: Yes

voradtralundir: Yup

hungry_college_girl: So....long time no see

voradtralundir: OK, tell me what's been happening with you since the end of July

hungry_college_girl: How are you?

voradtralundir: I have missed you a lot

voradtralundir: We are moved in, in Washington…

hungry_college_girl: Aw... you're sweet

voradtralundir: I spoke with Kristin a bunch

voradtralundir: She told me about your water stuffing progress

hungry_college_girl: I like her

voradtralundir: Tell me what you've been doing...

voradtralundir: She may come to the US later this year. I told her to look you up. She has wanted someone to stuff - and so have you. The two of you might have too much fun

hungry_college_girl: Yep

hungry_college_girl: Not much to tell

voradtralundir: So should I ask questions or would you like to tell a story?

hungry_college_girl: BF and I are 'kinda' on the way out…

voradtralundir: I am sorry

hungry_college_girl: He's a real jerk lately

voradtralundir: What has he done to you lately?

hungry_college_girl: Remember the breast cream?

voradtralundir: Yes

hungry_college_girl: He got pissed 'cuz I was using it

voradtralundir: Why on Earth?!?

hungry_college_girl: He said I was trying to attract other guys

voradtralundir: Has he got something against breasts?

hungry_college_girl: He's very insecure

voradtralundir: What a dip. Too much grass makes you paranoid

voradtralundir: Have you continued to use it?

hungry_college_girl: I stopped a while ago... I seemed to peak with it

voradtralundir: Are you eating something? Your pauses give that impression...

voradtralundir: What did you peak at? Still a healthy "C"?

hungry_college_girl: A "C"...but a tight "C"

voradtralundir: Good job. You need more clothes

voradtralundir: I like it when the bras are just a little too snug. Just where they begin to cause a bulge above the cup. Giving the impression of ample tissue.

voradtralundir: How do you like the way you look?

hungry_college_girl: Sure do...'gonna' take me shopping again?

voradtralundir: I'd love to. In fact, sometime I'd like to take you shopping for real.

hungry_college_girl: That would be so incredibly cool

hungry_college_girl: I love my appearance

voradtralundir: I haven't received my VS catalog in awhile. I have to give them my change of address.

hungry_college_girl: I have put on a few pounds over the summer

voradtralundir: Would you be able to wear a size 8 swimsuit - or is that too big?

voradtralundir: How much do you weigh now?

hungry_college_girl: Not 160 like I told “Bozo_the_Brit”

voradtralundir: I know.

hungry_college_girl: About 132

voradtralundir: Very good - do you like the way it looks on you?

voradtralundir: Do you think the weight gain has contributed to your breast enlargement somewhat?

hungry_college_girl: Size 6 seems to be the fit

voradtralundir: OK. I bought an 8 for Kim and it's too big. But the other size 6 seemed too small.

hungry_college_girl: Probably has…

hungry_college_girl: I think my butt is a little bigger too

voradtralundir: Was this gain a result of some private stuffing or do you guys still try and stuff?

voradtralundir: I'm sure your butt looks just fine

hungry_college_girl: I “kinda” over indulged myself a bit

voradtralundir: I like it - what did you do?

voradtralundir: By the way, I want to remind you of this swimsuit:

hungry_college_girl: *wiggles her butt for you*

voradtralundir: So tell me about the over-indulging thing

hungry_college_girl: What do you mean "what did you do?”

hungry_college_girl: Nice bikini… I like it

voradtralundir: Just what it sounds like - did you find yourself just eating excessively or did you try and do it deliberately?

voradtralundir: I like this one and I think the model is very cute:

hungry_college_girl: It was “kinda” accidental... you see, I jogged every morning... but after some heavy partying... I was sleeping in. So much for jogging

voradtralundir: Would you like to tell me about the heavy partying? What did you do there?

hungry_college_girl: Very nice

voradtralundir: Tell me what your girlfriends think about your look...

hungry_college_girl: Basically just ate a bit and drank a lot

voradtralundir: Did you get a nice tan this year?

hungry_college_girl: Only one commented on it, she said my butt looked "fuller"

hungry_college_girl: Oh yeah.... I got dark

voradtralundir: This is one of the larger busted models in VS, She is very pretty:

voradtralundir: What about the skinny girl that wanted to grow breasts - did you ever help her out?

hungry_college_girl: She filled out somewhat....but nothing exceptional

voradtralundir: With the cream or did you urge her to gain some weight?

voradtralundir: I think you would look fabulous in this:

hungry_college_girl: Both actually

voradtralundir: Good. Do you still hang out with her?

hungry_college_girl: Mmm… nice... I'd wear that for you

hungry_college_girl: Yes

voradtralundir: So she hasn't noticed your changes?

hungry_college_girl: If she has, she hasn't commented yet

voradtralundir: Here's something for you to kill men with:

voradtralundir: Is there anything that you wanted to do this summer that you weren't able to do?

hungry_college_girl: LOL.... kill men?

voradtralundir: Besides killing men... Were you oput tonight by the way?

hungry_college_girl: I was hoping to travel some

voradtralundir: Where would you have liked to travel?

hungry_college_girl: Oput?

voradtralundir: Yup. I'm so happy to see you my typing sucks

voradtralundir: Were you out tonight?

hungry_college_girl: LOL

hungry_college_girl: I was over at a friend's house for a bit

voradtralundir: What did you guys do there?

hungry_college_girl: Tonight I'm home... dateless... (sob)... *wink*

hungry_college_girl: That was supposed to say ... *sob*

voradtralundir: By the way - I think you need sweaters to aid in your killing spree.

hungry_college_girl: Sweaters? OK by me

voradtralundir: What is your opinion of turtlenecks?

voradtralundir: You need new clothes to further aggravate your boyfriend - especially if they are purchased for you by someone else.

hungry_college_girl: I like them

hungry_college_girl: LOL... I like the way you think

voradtralundir: Well I hoped to have a daughter some day so I could taunt all males. You know: the jocks and such who made my life a living hell in High School.

voradtralundir: I think you would fill this one out nicely:

hungry_college_girl: You have a daughter: Me!

hungry_college_girl: Oooh... I like that one

voradtralundir: Here's another one, they say not to wear horizontal stripes - but that all depends upon how you are built:

voradtralundir: Linda - In real life, I would really like to have you as a friend, in a quasi father/daughter sort of way.

voradtralundir: That may seem scary but I have no intention of that spoiling a decent chance at a friendship. So I can withdraw my remark if you prefer...

hungry_college_girl: All kidding aside...I'd like that too

hungry_college_girl: No no… it's ok

voradtralundir: We'd come home at night. Sit at dinner. You'd tell me about this new guy you're seeing and I'd ask for his DNA...

hungry_college_girl: Trust me... if you say anything to offend me... I'll tell you

voradtralundir: In time you'd abandon the Catholic Faith and get wrapped up with Wiccans...

voradtralundir: A new blonde guy would enter your life with big strong masculine hands...

voradtralundir: And a penchant for cooking Italian...

voradtralundir: He would speak English and French and German fluently

hungry_college_girl: OK… you got my attention

hungry_college_girl: *wink*

voradtralundir: And for fun he would poke your breasts and tell you you're not quite done yet...

voradtralundir: And I would sit and listen intently to you. And ask you if you respect him.

hungry_college_girl: You are so cute

voradtralundir: And if you said yes, I'd let him stay in your room overnight.

voradtralundir: Here's another one for you:

voradtralundir: And another...

voradtralundir: And I wouldn't….

voradtralundir: And I wouldn't mind if you came down in the morning dressed in his shirt...

voradtralundir: Here's a cool one, and you need the skirt too:

voradtralundir: In fact, that one is definitely "Witchy". You need that.

voradtralundir: Here's a nice one to show over your tummy:

hungry_college_girl: Mmmm... hip-hugger jeans.......very nice

voradtralundir: Do you ever dress to show off your tummy? I'm kind of amused - it seems just about every female singer, Pop or Country is into showing off her stomach these days. I happen to think that Britney Spears stomach is very attractive.

voradtralundir: Just sort of makes me want to feed her all the more...

hungry_college_girl: You wouldn't mind if my tummy bulged out a bit from under that sweater?

voradtralundir: Not at all. It would look especially sexy. What do you think? What does your mom say about your swimsuit now?

hungry_college_girl: She says I definitely need a new one for next season

hungry_college_girl: Gotta' admit… it is “kinda” tight

voradtralundir: Here you go, and if you can display the same attitude she has on her face you will be unstoppable:

voradtralundir: What does anybody at the beach say about it?

voradtralundir: Here's a nice one that we would get just sized for your profile (not baggy at all). The way the lines would move over you would amplify your curves:

hungry_college_girl: A few guys have been checking me said I look sexier lately

voradtralundir: Don't you just love that extra weight you carry in the right places? How are the jeans fitting anyway?

hungry_college_girl: Very tight.... one pair, I can't get into

voradtralundir: Here's another one that would look nice on you. Sometimes it pays to show collar bones:

voradtralundir: How do you thin you look in them? Does your tummy come out over the top?

hungry_college_girl: I like the tight one pair my tummy “kinda” hangs out

voradtralundir: Here's a classic look that you could use to injure your opponents:

voradtralundir: Doesn't that make it difficult for you to eat in them?

hungry_college_girl: A little yes… I have to adjust them a bit

voradtralundir: Here's an excellent one for you:

voradtralundir: What happens when you eat with them on? Do you ever unbutton them?

hungry_college_girl: Yes... had to a few times

voradtralundir: Look at this - there's nothing that says "You can look, but you can't touch" like Angora:

voradtralundir: I suspect you were delighted. Has anyone commented about that at all?

hungry_college_girl: No… I was able to keep it hidden

voradtralundir: I have some other stuff I could show you but I thought I'd ask you what you like...

hungry_college_girl: So...would you like to accompany me to the beach when I wear my new bikini?

voradtralundir: Hell yes!

voradtralundir: I want to stand back and watch what happens to traffic...

voradtralundir: How is the shape of your tummy right now? You described it as flat before...

hungry_college_girl: It's a little soft......nothing real noticeable

voradtralundir: By the way... what do you sleep in? How about something like this:

voradtralundir: Here's another that would look good on you after you came home from partying and wanted to binge:

hungry_college_girl: Normally just a t-shirt and panties....but that would work just fine!

voradtralundir: So can I ask about any binging you've been doing?

voradtralundir: Here's a couple cool ones:

voradtralundir: And :

voradtralundir: What about the binging thing?

hungry_college_girl: The tank pajamas are pretty nice

hungry_college_girl: Last weekend… my BF and I went out to dinner

voradtralundir: By the way, you have shared a lot with me and I feel like there must be something I can do for you or help you with or something... Is there anything I can do to help you at all?

hungry_college_girl: You want to help me?

voradtralundir: Yes

hungry_college_girl: Well, I have a request…

voradtralundir: I am yours to command...

voradtralundir: Here's a truly excellent one:

voradtralundir: That last one would look the best on you I think...

hungry_college_girl: Want to feed me until I out grow that last outfit?

Having finally gotten Linda's street address and phone number, Mark drives north on I-95 and NJ 18, having just crossed I-195. He thinks about seeing her for the first time… the Monmouth Mall at “Garcia's” Restaurant. Up till now everything has been a role play or her short answers to his in depth questions. He wonders what she will actually look like. She agreed to wear the outfit from VS with the skirt that he bought her for her 19th birthday. The “Witchy” one. He navigates off NJ 18 to the road leading to the massive circle just north of Monmouth Mall. The place is familiar, having traveled here to visit friends in Ocean, NJ. Pulling in the parking lot he shuts down the engine on his better than 95000 mile Dodge Avenger and wonders if she has ever driven a stick before...

Mark walks in through the “Macy's” entrance, through the men's section and into the ungodly cosmetics section. He tries to hold his breath walking through here, quietly wondering why the Sales Associates don't have lung cancer or suffer from massive headaches. Through the mall and up the escalator to the second level, he admires some of the female shoppers, wondering again what Linda will actually look like. He enters “Garcia's” anxiously awaiting her appearance - in that outfit they agreed on from the VS catalog. He scans the restaurant while standing at the hostess station…. And he sees her for the first time.

Sitting at a booth in the back, she waves… He walks through the aisle to the table in the back and admires the girl dressed in the sweater and long skirt. He moves nervously to the booth she sits in…

“Hi, uh Linda?...”

“Mark?” she responds with a smile. We finally meet!”

Mark tries to avoid staring at her top and skirt but is drawn to the way it compliments her curves. He thinks to himself, 'My God, she's even more shapely then I imagined".

“I'm so glad you could make it!” she speaks again, between draws on her glass of Coke. “Hi there... I never expected this before...” He mumbles, looking at her curves. Being the taunt that she is, she sits up extra straight and gives him an eyeful. He looks away nervously.

“I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to finally spend some time with you.... Where would you like to go? Drinks, Dinner? Shopping? Driving?”, he speaks up, clearing his throat slightly afterwards. ”Well, you've been so genuine to me over the net... I thought it was safe to finally meet you…,” she draws again on her soda.

Feeling braver, he moves his eyes up and down her frame, pondering every inch… and looks away nervously as she utters the word "Safe." He feels a little guilty but builds up the courage to ask her what he knows she wants to hear: “So are you, uh... hungry at all?”

“Where would you like to go?” she quips right back at him, smiling and drinking her soda. “…actually… Yes!”

“Well that all depends on what you'd like to eat...” He calms down a bit and thinks to himself: “Finally, I get to see her eat.” He speaks up more bravely than before: “Seafood? Italian, everything in North Jersey?”

She responds rather coyly, “There's a 'Friendly's' ice cream place right here in the mall... next to “Victoria's Secret”. She continues to smile with the straw in her mouth. She sucks the last bit of soda and the glass becomes dry making that gurgling sound.

Mark sits a little dejected, shoulders a little hunched... he was hoping she would hug him when she saw him. That would have put him at ease...

Sensing his unease, her mouth drops the pretentious smile and grabs his hand, she lifts her sweater and places his hand on her tummy. His anxiety is replaced with a subtle sense of excitement. He calms some more and feels her soft flesh.

“Oh my God! You are so warm...,” he observes. He notes the gurgle coming from her stomach...

“So you think 'Friendly's' is the best place for you right now? Don't you want something more? Hungry_college_girl?”

Mark takes her shirt and re-adjusts it, fearing probing eyes.

“I was thinking we could start somewhere else and then go to 'Friendly's' afterwards. You know what I've been saying about ice cream soothing a full stomach?” he cheers up. Finally cheering up, he adds: “I mean... I'd really like to see you eat. A lot...”

Linda smiles. He looks into her eyes to gage her reaction to this request. She doesn't waste any time with eye contact, trying to leave him with a sense of awe. She speaks authoritatively: “OK ....then let's go!”

She grabs his hand and pushes him out of the booth. In a desperate effort to act chivalrous, he grabs her long coat and places it on her shoulders... still trying to avoid looking at her chest as he does so.

Walking through the mall towards the restaurant, she makes an effort to stand as straight as possible. Mark notices a young man, walking with his flat-chested blonde girlfriend, gazing at Linda's profile. His eyes never seem to rise above Linda's neckline as runs right into the Tupperware Lady selling stuff from her cart. The girlfriend looks at him in embarrassment, followed by anger as she traces his gaze across the mall corridor.

“I am so happy that you asked me to come by,” he speaks as the gears in his mind begin to whirl and turn at high speed.

“There's an Italian place at the far end of the mall,” she responds without seemingly noting his appreciation.

Time passes and she adds quietly: “Well… I've always enjoyed your company in chat”

“Would you really like to eat there? I mean, money is no object on this occasion. If we do this tonight maybe we should postpone shopping until tomorrow...,” he adds thinking hopefully about her being stuffed later. He looks at her waist and notes the fit of the skirt. He thinks to himself: “She is so trim. I can't believe she will really grow that much. She would look so cool in one of those swimsuits… especially eating.”

“You're so nice to me…,” she continues. She reflected on the differences she had noticed. Her boyfriend never talked to her the way he did. The way Mark did. All “He” ever wanted to do was stuff her quickly and get his rocks off. She never really had a chance to do what she wanted to do. “He” was always getting uptight about her thoughts of growing large through pregnancy and over-eating. How could he be that way? “He” was the one that got her started on this path, and now she loved it.

Mark speaks up after his own period of reflection, “You are a wonderful person and I want to treat you as well as I can. I want you to be happy and I'm willing to do anything to make that so.”

“Good idea… lets eat then shop another time.”

They march off to the Italian place. Actually, she marches off and he immediately picks up pace to be by her side. She knows what she wants and is not afraid to get it. That's why he likes her.

The redheaded hostess, a definite size 1, asks them if they'd like to be seated or if there are others in the party. The hostess looks at Mark. He is easily way older than Linda. She notes that he can't possibly be her boyfriend and asks herself: “What is it with these two? He must be the 'Sugar Daddy'.” With a smug smile the redhead takes two menus and holds them tight against her chest, thinking that Mark was probably the type who would hit on her given half the chance. Still not wanting to miss an opportunity to sow discord on any couple, the redhead moves her hips slightly from side to side as she leads Mark and Linda to a booth in the back of the restaurant. Mark takes Linda's coat and she inhales for effect as she sits in the booth, all the way in. The hostess notices that Mark hasn't really looked at her once. She thinks quietly to herself, assessing this “problem” that she's never experienced before: “Black vest with white low cut knit blouse? Check. Short black skirt? Check. Hair arranged just so? Check. What is with this guy?” She pauses waiting for a smile from him and is dejected to receive one instead from Linda. She pauses, not knowing what to make of this, and walks not quite so alluringly back to her station.

“So… you like the results of the breast cream I was telling you about?” Linda probes.

Mark, taken by surprise blurts out: “Yes... I mean, uh yes. I also like the extra weight, I mean, if that's ok with you. You look marvelous. You look like a “Stuffed Online” Poster Child...”

Settling in with the menus and the wine list he continues: “I see you took my hint about showing a little tummy. I'm curious - is that the most sensitive part on your body now that you've been uh... well, uh... you know?” He opens the four part menu, “Would you like me to order for you? Anything in particular that you'd like?”

Linda drops her head down and lowers her voice to avoid being heard by others, “....either that or my nipples...both drive me wild!”

Mark is startled, in an evening full of startles, this definitely rattles him: “Um, uh... I was kind of hoping you'd say that....” A lie, he has no idea why he said that but he couldn't think of anything else. He looks down at her chest, deliberately this time, and notices two tiny protuberances through her sweater. They weren't there before.

A waiter dolled up in a black pseudo-tux comes up and Mark orders, Fettuccini Alfredo, the House Lasagna, Veal Parmesan and a big bottle of Rosé. They talk in dribs and drabs as he ponders her appearance and the food is delivered. She sips at her wine as he talks. He places all of the food in closer to her and begins to unwrap her utensils. Her glass gets topped off with some more Rosé, the fifth time. Seeing his attention, she smiles and reflects on the things he's told her: “If you have a girlfriend and you like the way she looks - why wouldn't you take her shopping?”

Mark grabs a fork and begins to roll the noodles with a spoon, getting as much sauce as possible on the utensil. After about five bites of Alfredo, he cuts small pieces of Veal and places them in her mouth.

“Mmmmm...,” she hums along, unable to really say anything in the last fifteen minutes. She slides across the seat to sit next to him. Mark continues to alternate between bites of Lasagna and Alfredo and Veal. He picks up her glass and brings it to her lips at regular intervals. He looks in her eyes and tries to keep her attention with amazing stories about travel as he feeds her between words. Periodically he rubs his hand softly over her stomach to see how she feels and to see how well she is doing. He notices the two pronounced protrusions in her top, even more pronounced now that she's eating and being fed.

The veal is almost gone so he deftly switches to the linguine and red sauce at interval.

“Mmmm… delishus [chew]…,” she says trying to speak every once in awhile to be sure she can still talk.

Half way through - Mark notices the bulge beginning to form in her top, just below her ample breasts. The skin of her stomach is more visible than it was moments ago. She is filling. He crudely brushes a hand across her left breast as he fills her mouth with more food. He speaks softly in her left ear, “You are coming along so nicely. Has anyone ever fed you like this before?” Linda shakes her head and looks down very slightly. Moving her hands from her side she reaches to the side of her skirt and unzips the zipper inside the hidden seam. Mark grabs some cheesy garlic bread in an effort to make up for the already consumed Veal and Linguine. He speaks to her very softly, even closer to her ear than before: “You look so wonderful. I would almost be inclined to stimulate you right here and now. I think you need a little more filling though. What do you think?” He grabs a forkful of Alfredo and brings it to her lips.

She tries to speak between swallows: “More filling would be nice… sure”

Out of the corner of his eye, Mark notices the waiter standing still at the door to the kitchen and catches the his attention. "Um, could you bring us a cheesecake?" “I'm sorry sir, a piece of cheesecake?" "No, a cheesecake, a whole one, please, and be quick"

The Alfredo is running out so Mark switches to the Lasagna and Garlic Bread, continuing to shovel small forkfuls until they are gone. The cheesecake arrives just in time.

Linda sits back in her seat. Her stomach is bulging very visibly now. The sweater rides up on her stomach to a position just below her breasts. Mark looks around the section of the restaurant and sees the waiter talking in hushed tones with another wait person. The waitress, an older woman who should have never been allowed to wear a skirt that short, looks at Linda and her eyes bug out.

Mark rubs Linda's stomach in a slow soft circular motion and empties the last of the Rosé into her glass. “Would you like another bottle Linda or do you think it's time for dessert?”

Mark looks at her top and sees it riding up on her stomach, her breasts are full and pert. He brings a forkful of cheesecake to her lips.

“I'm sorry, I feel so warm… I think the wine is going to my head” She leans against him. Noticing the ample furnishings of the booth, Mark takes what was a drawn curtain and closes it for increased privacy. He pushes the table out from the bench and places Linda on his lap. Cheesecake in front of her.

“I think dessert would be nice,” she chuckles softly, half heartedly drawing her hand across her stomach.

With one hand Mark cuts and feeds cheesecake, with the other, he rubs her gently. He starts at her stomach and moves his hand up to and under each breast, gauging their weight the top of his hand. He looks at her face to see if there is any reaction. She has a look of contentment on her face. He identifies it as “The Gaze” written about by “Stuffer31” in his description of Mandy at the “Golden Corral”. He gently cups each breast and focuses at the hardened nipple, and moves down to her full stomach and circles in slow motion and proceeds to the region just above her panty waistline. He continues to feed her. One hand at a time, he moves her top up so her full stomach is completely displayed, just below her hard breasts.

“Mmmmmm...,” she continues to savor the cheesecake as the massage continues.

Looking at the half empty plate of cheesecake he tests her consciousness: “How are you doing Linda? Would you like some more?” He suddenly realizes that she has not been wearing a bra at all. He deftly moves his hands all over her exposed skin as the top rides up over each breast. She begins to breathe hard and he fills her empty mouth with more cheesecake.

“If I eat any more… I'll burst out of these clothes…”

“We're almost out of dessert. Maybe I should get some ice cream here...”

Linda moans as his hand continues to probe the limits of her stomach's erogenous zone.

“Mark?... kiss me?”

Mark takes her skirt and works it down to her thighs. Her top is now uncovering her breasts. They are full and the nipples are very brown, very hot and very much hard. He begins to nuzzle them with his lips. They are so warm to the touch. He nibbles slightly on her nipple and attempts to take in the breast, all the while wondering what she would be like engorged with milk.

“Mmmmmmmmm,” she continues to savor, something, the food or the touch, there is almost no difference.

Both of his hands reach down to her groin and gently touch her, moving in circular directions. They move over her stomach and he reaches for the second cheesecake that a pair of arms delivered through the curtain.

“You are so beautiful. You need to be filled completely... Would you like that?”, he shovels a forkful of new cheesecake into her waiting wet lips.

She moans… “yes.....yes........fill me”

Mark pours her a new glass of wine from a new bottle of Rosé. He begins to massage harder, gripping her stomach ever so slightly more firmly, he mouths each breast and pauses with his tongue at the hardened nipples. His way is clear: he must fill her as she climaxes. He continues to shovel food and pour wine as he works her harder and harder.

Linda's swollen body begins to twitch, steadily building to a visible shake. The motion continues rhythmically, interrupted by an especially hard recoil.

Mark decides to not wait for one or even two times, he wants to fill her and stimulate her until all the food is gone and she is nearly unconscious from the fullness and the pleasure. He holds her tightly in his arms and continues his massage and feeding. Crumbs and cheesecake filling are now falling on her breasts and forming at the corners of her mouth. He licks up the cheesecake from her breasts, her stomach, and her mouth, probing with his tongue.

Her body stiffens and she lets out an especially provocative moan: “Ooooohhhhhh…”

“How much more do you want Linda, I think we have a bit more to go... can you take it?” He massages her stomach and holds it as the intense shiver runs through her. He almost loses grip on her but quickly envelopes her breasts in his arms. “I think you need some more - don't you agree?”

Linda smiles and attempts to nod despite the motion of her body.

“I need to fatten you up and stimulate you. Your stomach is so big and beautiful, but I think you have space in there for more...” He grabs the glass and brings it to her lips. He continues to massage her. Her skirt has fallen to the floor from the motion of her legs. Just her panties, moist and tight, against the bottom of her stomach. He takes the fabric of her sweater and gently brushes it down and up against her nipples. He finds more cheesecake and more wine to fill her mouth. He kisses her and massages her waiting for more shivers.

Mark whispers into her ear and nibbles on her lobe, “What would you like me to do now Linda? How much more can I put into you?”

“ got me so fat!” she speaks with pleasure seeping from her lips.

Mark grabs the last fork of cheesecake and fills her mouth. The second Rosé bottle is now down to slightly more than one last mouthful. He takes the bottle, places it over her head and pours it directly into her mouth. ”Not yet Linda. You still have more room I'm sure. And you may not have noticed this but... It's 11pm. This restaurant is closed.... And I have the keys”

Mark opens the curtain to reveal a banquet table filled with pasta and desserts.

Seductively, Linda looks alternately at the table and at Mark: “Hmmm.....seems like I'm at your mercy…”

“I want to keep stuffing you and massaging you until you become unconscious... Are you ready for that? I won't stop until you beg me for mercy, and I won't guarantee that I'll stop right away.” He reaches for a piece of Sausage and Mushroom Pizza and places it in her mouth. He grabs her tighter around the bottom of her stomach and nibbles a little more firmly on her breasts.

“What would you like to do now Linda? Shall I just take you and lay you out on that table over there? Maybe I should restrain you? Yes, I think I will...”

Distress enters Linda's expression, “But....but.......”

“You've been slacking lately in your nourishment so I thought I'd help you out. I think you can be much bigger. And I have this restaurant completely to us for the next week.” He tightens the strap on each hand and ankle… and begins to feed her some more.