And The Feeding
Fattening & Water Inflation Fanfic (c)
2001 by:Jysiqezi Uchawi & Tombfyre.
Characters (c) by
Disney, 1994 & 1998.
The sun rose to meet the new day and the herd animals were all out feeding
on what
they eat, lounging in the sun, watching out for predators or just managing
to catch
a short nap. This was going to be a good day, and Nala decided she
wanted to do
something, something her undescribible and seemingly endless hunger
lusted for. So
she rose and woke up both her daughters Kiara and Vitani up from their
sleep and
waiting until they woke up. Then Nala told them she had a plan for
a surpise for
the males. Yet, that saddened Vitani since she didn't have a mate.
Even though
Vitani didn't let the sadness show.
All three lionesses felt like they were very hungery, so much that
it was hard to
explain...even between themselves. So they marched silently down Priderock's
and headed for the waterhole. Once there, they spotted 3 hippos and
3 elephants. They
were HUGE too. Like something had fattened them up. Possibly just for
them, as if
something or somebody knew they were coming here. Nala, Kiara and Vitani
all grinned
broadly as they each took a beached hippo and started feasting on their
first meals
hurriedly. All three lionesses are eatting so fast that they were actually
weight of fat from eatting their hippos. The lionesses bodies are starting
to fatten
up and swell and grow fatter, in fact. And it was long but worth it
before the three
lionesses were finally finished with their hippo meals. However, they
had been bloated
and fattened up from the hippo meat so much that Nala, Kiara and Vitani
actually did
look like the size of hippos. They smiled wide at each other and eyed
hungerily over
at the three elephants for the three of them...
Nala was the first to charge. Or so she thought. The weight of her hippo
sized body was
impeding her progress, but it did not matter. The elephant never heard
her coming. She
sunk her bloated face into the elephants neck, and drank of its blood.
There must have
been something special about that elephant though, because every drop
of fluid going
down Nala's throat, made the lioness bloat up larger in size, and in
Soon, she was bigger than the elephant, so she tore it apart. Feasting
on her kill
like someone was going to take it away from her, she grew to twice
the size of an
elephant, and about 5 times the weight. Kiara and Vitani were rapidly
aproaching their next
meals as well, and they too went for the throats of the larger animals.
It was if the
elephants were drugged. As with Nala, the juices of the larger animals
made them grow, and
made them swell out with extra fat. Soon all three giant lionesses
were feasting on
the biggest meal of their lives. They ate everything. Right down to
the smallest bone.
Other animals ran in fear from the giant trio, but there was no need.
The three bloated
lionesses could not have chased them down that fast anyways. Basking
in the sun, the three
furry sacks of fat purred loudly. Nala spotted a twinkling in the distance,
and reared
her head up to investigate. She had no idea what it was, but something
there was drawing
her to it. She roused the other two, and they slowly began to lumber
across the pride
The three huge lionesses trudged along the grass of the pride lands,
fattened bodies of blubber jiggling and slushing with all the hippo
and elephant they had
eaten. In no time soon, the three fat lionesses reached the edge of
the border of their
lands, and then continuing on past it. What they found was a old man
village. And so close
to their home land? All three of them had wished they knew about this
place before.
Keeping their eyes on twinkling in front of them that was getting closer
by the minute, despite
them being slightly slowed down by their hugely fattened bodies. Each
of them has a
mass of rolls, flabs and blubber that jiggled and slushed with every
step. They loved it,
however. When they stopped in front of a way enormus building that
could easily hold up to
10 blimps, they pushed open the warehouse's doors and padded inside.
What they found
was a vast and endless supply of thick and clear solid liquid stuff.
On a sign on one of
the walls read; [World's Biggest Jello Factory with the endless supply
of Jello] as that
only caused all three lionesses to walk up to a giant vat, grab the
hose that dangled from
it, turn on the vats with their fat tails and hurriedly pad back outside.
Now all they had
to do was wait for the feeding of jello to come from the each of their
giant vats, which
unknown to them held up to a million tons of jello for each vat...and
their first vats were
also connected to all the other giant vats in the factory. As there
are three lines of
giant vats that started from the front doors and went all the way down
the the very far end
of the very enormus factory....
As the three lionesses exited the factory, and sat far away from each
The jello started to run down the hoses at a very fast pace, and all
three happy
kitties purred as the first droplets of sweetness entered their massive
bodies. Soon, the
trickle opened up to a river, and finally a raging torrent of desert
flooded into their
waiting stomachs. Droves of jello began to inflate them all like balloons,
and all three
lionesses were being rapidly lifted off the ground by there fattening
bodies. They
stretched accross the land like a body of water that had broken through
the dyke, and
upwards into the heavens. Nala looked to her daughters with a look
of concern on her face,
as she could not spit out the hose. The look was met by Kiara and Vitani
as all three of
them expanded to the size of blimps, and beyond. More and more of the
massive ammounts of
jello spewed forth from the holding tanks, and the three lionesses
had no choice but to
accept its bounty. Now bloated past the size of football fields each,
they were totaly
immobile. Still the torrent of jello would not stop. They all had the
same thing on
their minds. "Would it ever stop?"
Nala was by far the biggest and fattest cause she had turned her vat
on first, but both
Kiara and Vitani were soon catching up rather quickly. They kept on
expanding, swelling,
inflating and fattening up like there was no tomorrow. Nala's milk
glands had been pushed
out by the fat in her massive body and her milk glands were now taking
in the jello as well
and her milk glands had fattened up to half her size, as all size of
her milk glands were
now swelling out from her blubbery sides and growing longer and fatter
on the ground
beside her. Nala gave a look over to both Kiara and Vitani, as what
was happening to her
aslo reflected on the other two huge lionesses. And they kept swelling
fatter and FATTER
from the jiggly and slushy jello from within the many vats inside the
factory. Kiara
blinked, as she felt her mother's fat blubber soon touching her and
squishing up against
her own blubbery fat of her massive and fattening body and now milk
Vitani also was pressing up against Kiara as well. And all three were
soon filling out
so much that each of them wanted more. "MORE!" They thought. They surpassed
the size of 5
blimps by now and were continuing to fill up and out in all directions.
Even their tails
and legs are being fattened up and their legs eventually engulfed their
small paws. Now
their fattening legs appeared like huge and fat bulges of blubber.
Their bodies stretched as
the space between their fat foreleg and hindlegs kept getting farther
and more farther
apart. They were thankful that they are toons. "MORE, MORE, MORE!"
Nala, Kiara and
Vitani cried in their minds. If they could only stretch out their necks
now like a giraffe
and look to their rumps to see if their sexes were fattening up big
as well. However,
the rushing of jello increased on their vat's max of HIGH and flow
out beyond TONS...
As the speed of the flow increased, the lionesses bloated up faster
faster. Now approaching 8 blimps, they were being pushed accross the
and into each other. The one in the middle was pushed upwards by her
and mother, but did not complain. They all got more and more massive,
something happened. A computer inside the plant, senced the rapid draining
of the tanks, and assumed it was time to purge the system. So all the
was dumped down the hoses in one massive burst. The hoses swelled very
as the total plants stock of jello was forced into the lionesses. Three
pairs of eye's buldged out as all the jello entered their bodies in
solid blast. Instantly doubling their sizes, and doubling again. They
were several miles long, and more than that in width. All the jello
was now
gone, and the three lionesses sat there, massively huge, purring in
The three, massively huge and vastly blimped lionesses slept as they
their enormus bodies and milk glands were all jiggling and slushing
as the jello inside
them was digesting on through the night. All three of the hoses had
fallen out of
their mouths as well. As their huge bodies only got more fatter and
blubbier, but it was
Nala who was the fattest and jiggliest. Kiara was still in the middle
and she had
fattened up more upwards and outwards in longness, as did her own milk
glands. Vitani was
slightly smaller than Nala, but she didn't mind. The digesting of the
many tons of
jello inside them continued, even into the dawn hours. And each of
them ended up the same
size of the continent of Africa itself, so the three huge and fat lionesses
took up
and covered all of Africa plus both sides in the oceans. And Kiara
was no longer
squished by Nala and Vitani. That next morning the sun rose to greet
them and the lionesses
giggled and jiggled, causing their continent sized fat bodies to slush
in huge waves of
jello fat. Though Nala wondered then grinned as she did, indeed stretched
her neck out
like a long giraffe's neck...though Nala found out that she could stretch
her neck out
at any length. A long and fat neck it was too. And Nala dunked her
fat muzzle just under
the surface of the water and began to suck at the ocean water like
a vaccum, the water soon
filling her empty and big bottomless stomach and equally starting to
cause her to swell,
expand and inflate out as it looked like Nala was swelling out at 100
tons a second!
Seeing this, both Kiara and Vitani egerly followed suit and they, like
Nala began to
swell out more and more by the ocean water. As there is a lot! They
then felt their nipples
open up on each of their six milk glands and suck in the water as well.
Nala, Kiara and
Vitani swelled bigger and BIGGER, fatter and FATTER, longer and wider.
All three of
them were starting to cover up the rest of the planet. Though in size,
Nala was the
most biggest. They had been in a feeding lust and now they were in
a drinking lust, to
drink all the water till there was no more left. Nala soon surpassed
the size of 300
blimps while Kiara and Vitani were quickly catching up at the size
of 250 blimps. They
were HUGE! And still they sucked in the water and continued to swell
up and out with
the water. However, all three lionesses were beginning to feel something
inside them as
their bodies did a quaking jiggling of huge waves of fat...and the
water started mixing
in with the many tons of jello they had ate before. The water from
the ocean inside them
was mixing in with the jello in their bodies and cause the jello to
multiply and make
each of their massively fat and blubbery bodies quake even more as
Nala, Kiara and Vitani
began to swell, expand and inflate 100 times more now. Their eyes bulged
out wide in
surprise, but despite this they still continued to suck in the ocean
water like huge
enormus vaccums...
All three lionesses swelled up so massively large, that they covered
the whole surface of
the planet. What was not crushed beneath they're huge bodies, was pushed
on top of them.
As the surface water of the planet began to run out, they're huge bloated
bodies filled
the oceans. As they increased in weight, they pushed all the underground
water upwards,
and began to drink that too. Soon, they were starting to crush the
planet beneath
themselves. As the earth broke appart, they ate the bits, and sucked
up the atmosphere.
Each lioness was now 1/3 the size of earth. The decrease in pressure
began to inflate them
more, and they each became spherical lionesses. As they grew, so did
they're hunger. They
were suddenly ravonous. They faught over the moon, but Nala won the
cat fight, and swallowed
the moon whole. The other two were dismayed that Nala was now much
larger than they were, so
they all floated off to try and lay claim to other solar bodies. Kiara
fell into orbit
around mars, Vitani chuckled from above Jupiter, and Nala intended
to show them all, by eating
the sun. They all gave a roar, and began to eat they're prizes. Kiara
began to absorb the
atmosphere of the planet, and swelled to half again the size of the
earth, when she was
finished, she tore the planet apart, and downed every crumb. Licking
her paws, she looked
over to Vitani. Vitani was drinking down all the gasses of Jupiter,
and becoming beyond immence.
Every gulp expanded her body more and more, and soon she was of equal
standing with the
remnants of Jupiter. As time passed, she finished off the moons too,
and floated in Jupiters
orbit. The largest planetary body in the system, happy, and safe. Nala
however, was trying to
figure out how to eat the sun. It was much too hot to touch, and she
could not get very close.
What she found however, is that if she sucked very hard, the surface
gasses would float off
the sun, and cool off. Once she figured this out, her consumption of
the sun was easy. It
took the better part of an hour, but soon Nala was the systems sun.
She let off a warm glow,
and was indescribeably huge. Kiara was twice the size of earth, but
only the size of Vitani's
belly button. Vitani was larger than Jupiter, but again, was miniscule
compared to Nala.
Nala was the size of the sun, and dwarfed them all. "I rule!" She declared,
and purred
Kiara and Vitani looked at Nala in wonderment and with deep awe. They
wanted to be so
beyond big too, and what they could only do was eat more planets. Vitani
had already
eaten the biggest planet with gasses, so she moved on to Saturn and
its moons.
Kiara floated over and ate Venus whole. Soon Kiara was finished and
she was five times
bigger and rounder than the earth, as Kiara then moved on to the surrounding
belt and munched on it as she floated around the beyond enormus Nala.
However, when Kiara
came back around and finished with the asteriod belt, she looked over
at Vitani and gasped.
Vitani was now seven times more larger than Jupiter had been, and she
was still rounding
and filling out from her meal she made of Saturn and its moons. Before
she knew it, Kiara's
gasping had caused her to suck in space like a vacumm or a blackhole
of her her
mouth had been open for too long in looking at the more beyond emorums
Vitani. But Nala
saw it and called out to her daughter. "Kiara, your sucking in space."
Though Nala went
back to just sucking on the planet Mercury in whole, which made her
fill out rounder and
bigger more. Now all three lioness's legs and tails were fattening
out and eventually
stuck out from their massively huge sides, unable to move their legs
and tails now. They
each had their own six moons too. Three big moons on either side of
them with thick
mountains capping them. Before Kiara could stop, however, she was already
way too massive
and her mouth felt like it would not shut or close. And Kiara kept
on getting rounder and
more and more massive by the passing second, sucking in space. Vitani
blinked, though she
frowned and tried to do the same too. And not for too long to wait,
Vitani was getting more
and more bigger and rounder as well. Sucking in the endless space also.
Nala saw this
happening to both her daughters and blinked, that was new. But how
could they be sucking
in space? Thats when Nala looked on beyond the space-sucking Kiara
and Vitani and saw a
much more and very beyond massive sphere made of entirely of pure water
heading toward them
...and it looked to be a zillion times much more larger and massive
than the sun Nala herself
had eaten up. What were they to do?
All three lionesses turned around, and gazed with awe and wonderment
at the water sphere.
Looking at each other, and grinning, they all knew what to do. Each
of them took off to
different sections of the sphere, and attacked. Planting their heads
into the water, they
began to drink. Oceans of water flowed down their throats, making them
swell more and more.
A strange thing happened however, each lioness heard a voice.
"You who drink from the sphere! Realise that you have sealed your own
fates! Now accept this
bounty, and prepare for the journey!"
All three cats looked confused for a moment, then the water started
forcing its way into them!
Panicing, and fearing exploding, the trio tried to recoil. They were
instead sucked into the
shrinking ball of water, and their inflations only sped up. Growing
beyond any measureable
speed, they finaly exausted the water spheres supply. In its place,
three sated, happy, and
orgasmicly pleased lionesses floated helplessly. Their bodies quaked
from the stress, and began
to glow. Just like that, they were gone.
"Hey you three! Wake up!"
Nala, Kiara, and Vitani slowly opened their eyes, and tried to focus
in the blinding brightness.
They were still stretched out ultrafat with water, but were on land.
"Where are we?" Was the unanamus cry from the fat ladies.
"You are in the land of the giants. Fair well, and welcome! You are
kin here!"
Standing all around them, were other furs just like them. Every last
one of them was fattened to
immoblity. And they all seemed to be enjoying it.
"This is a relm for those who outgrow the normal universe. All who
enter here may not leave, unless
they surrender their massiveness. You may continue to grow here without
fear of causing any
problems. Let us first help you out."
With that, the trio of fem-lions' legs stretched out to the ground,
and filled out with newfound
muscles. With effort, they could walk again. They smiled, and licked
everyone present as a thank you.
"Thank you so much for this! It feels so good to be big!" Cried Nala.
"Yes! We all love it so!" Said a elated Vitani
"I want to keep growing!" Blurted Kiara.
Everyone laughed, and the trio did just that. They spent their days
getting larger and larger, and
loving every moment of it! All who were back in the pride lands, wondered
where those inflation happy
lionesses went, but were glad that the water level would always be
normal from now on.